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TeamSpace - Fun & Easy Photo Fundraisers For Your Team!

Especially for parent photographers


Most teams have parents who love to take pictures at games. Use those photos to allow all your parents to create a custom poster of their favorite player. Earn money for your program at the same time.

How It Works

Upload photos

Put all photos from an event in one place.

Create sample posters

Inspire other parents.

Sit back and Relax

Parents will create and purchase posters.

Tools and Settings

Set $$ per item purchased

You can specify how much you want to make on each item purchased. At the end of the program, we’ll send you a check.

Easily organize photos

Upload photos in bulk from your computer. Organize photos in albums (e.g. an album per game). All photos available for use in the Poster Maker.

Invite parents with a click

You can easily share your TeamSpace via email and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Sharing the link of your TeamSpace page works too.

Poster Templates made Easy

Customize pre-built templates

Need help creating a sample poster? Customize a professionally designed poster template from our Templates Gallery.

Parents can share designs

Posters designed by parents are displayed in the TeamSpace gallery. Designs are available and easy for others to customize.